Spread the Kleenex softness with The Christmas Express

By on 9 December 2012

Singapore – Digital creative agency noisycrayons has launched ‘The Christmas Express’, a Christmas themed digital engagement campaign for Kleenex Tissues, a global icon for disposable paper handkerchiefs and wipes.

The initiative seeks to engage fans through the theme of ‘happy and comforting moments in life’. One such occasion is the Christmas season where families take time to express their appreciation to the most important people in their lives.

The Facebook campaign hopes to embody this spirit of giving by offering fans the opportunity to send a surprise to their loved ones.

To celebrate the joyous occasion, a train of real surprises has been prepared. Fans are encouraged to send their Christmas well-wishes as they nominate a friend to receive a surprise that is to be delivered to the door step of their friend.

All the recipient has to do is to tell The Christmas Express where to deliver the surprise to. The new iPad and Gardens by the Bay Tickets are among the thousands of surprises that will be sent out to spread the Christmas cheer.

The initiative is expected to reach more than 1 million families in Singapore.

The social media initiatives of Kleenex, along with its associated digital advertising campaign, are managed by noisycrayons, a SPH Magazines affiliate.


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